Terms & Conditions
1. Program Overview:
Welcome to MY Legacy’s Youth Programs. These programs aim to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for children to engage in supervised sports activities in partnership with their local musalla or mosque.
2. Registration and Eligibility:
To enroll your child in the program, parents or legal guardians must complete the registration process, providing accurate and complete information. Children aged 6-18 are eligible to participate.
3. Attendance and Participation:
Parents are expected to ensure their child’s regular attendance. Excessive absenteeism may result in the child’s removal from the program.
4. Supervision and Safety:
All program activities are supervised by qualified personnel to ensure the safety and well-being of participants. Parents and guardians acknowledge that certain inherent risks are associated with sports activities.
5. Liability and Responsibility:
MY Legacy, as a non-profit organization, is not liable for any injuries, accidents, or damages occurring during program activities. Parents are responsible for their child’s behavior and any potential consequences of their actions.
6. Code of Conduct:
Participants and their parents are expected to adhere to a code of conduct that promotes respect, safety, and a positive atmosphere within the program. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in suspension or termination of membership.
7. Emergency Procedures:
In the event of an emergency, MY Legacy will follow established procedures, including contacting parents and seeking necessary medical care.
8. Medical Information:
Parents must provide any relevant medical information about their child during the registration process. MY Legacy will keep this information confidential.
9. Communication:
MY Legacy will communicate with parents regarding program updates, changes to the schedule, and emergency situations via email, phone, or other methods as necessary.
10. Privacy and Data:
MY Legacy respects your privacy and will only use personal information for program-related purposes. We follow data protection and privacy laws and guidelines.
11. Termination of Membership:
MY Legacy reserves the right to terminate a child’s membership in the program due to violation of these terms and conditions or disruptive behavior. Parents will be informed in advance of any termination.
12. Amendments to Terms and Conditions:
MY Legacy may modify these terms and conditions. Parents will be notified of any changes and will have the opportunity to review and accept the revised terms.
13. Agreement:
By enrolling your child in our Youth Programs, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.
14. Contact Information:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions or the program, please contact us at info@mylegacyinc.ca.
Student Participation Waiver and Release
I acknowledge the inherent risks in the program, including injuries or death, and willingly accept these risks. These risks include various hazards associated with the activity.
I voluntarily assume all risks of injury while participating in this activity, whether playing or observing, and on the program’s premises.
In consideration for participating, I waive, release, and discharge MY Legacy and related individuals or entities from any future claims, damages, or causes of action resulting from my participation.
I certify my capability to participate and hold harmless the released parties from any claims, even if caused in part by them.
I grant permission for the use of photography and videography for MY Legacy’s marketing purposes.