How Can I Volunteer With MY Legacy?
Discover a multitude of opportunities to engage and volunteer with MY Legacy. From participating in tournaments, leagues, and after-school programs to contributing to community fundraisers and supporting our partners – your level of involvement and the way you choose to make a difference is entirely up to you!
Take Action Today: Faith, Fitness, Charity!

Current Volunteer Opportunities
Youth Program Assistants:
Support our youth programs by assisting in planning and coordinating engaging activities.
Event Volunteers:
Contribute to the success of our events by helping with logistics, registration, and ensuring a smooth experience.
Community Outreach Ambassadors:
Spread the word about our organization, engage with the community, and foster positive relationships.
Social Media Ambassadors:
Amplify our impact by sharing our mission, events, and achievements on various social media platforms.
Photography Enthusiasts:
Capture memorable moments during our events and programs to showcase the vibrancy of our community.
Grant Research Volunteers:
Assist in identifying potential grants to support our non-profit initiatives, contributing to our growth.
More Ways To Get Involved

I Want to Sponsor My Legacy
Grateful sponsors empower lasting change, sharing our vision to address challenges and build a better world.

I Want to Hold My Own Event
Unlock the opportunity to utilize gym space and benefit from a wide array of operational resources.
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Get updates on important events and news that MY Legacy will be taking part in!